NLMM( Michaela Boehm) encourges the identifying and unwinding patterns of contraction.

Through gentle, non force movements bodily tension and underlying mental loops are relieved. The result is a systematic, self guided unburdening of the nervious system.

You can be in your home space, boat or barn loft!

Follow Peaceneed on Instagram or Fb.

Message for class session details-

What is Spiritual Direction aka Spiritual Companion?

Where is Spirit in my life? What’s missingfor me? God, Universe,Great Spirit, What is it for you?

What am I struggling with?

Helping shine the light on self and share during the session.

Click here to read the SDI Guidelines for Ethical Conduct.

Learn more about Spiritual Direction Internationals by clicking here.

While Spiritual Direction can at times feel therapeutic, Spiritual Direction is not psychotherapy.

Learn more about what makes a good spiritual director by clicking here. Click here to read the SDI Guidelines for Ethical Conduct.

*Readings are also available.

A card reading is a tool to reflect on insight and intuition of awareness within around a specific question or a thought on a person’s mind.

Tarot and Oracle Reflections.

Sessions are $40 for 20 min and $95 for 55 minutes when SD paired with a reading.